Julie's Weigh…Time to Git Er Done…

Redneck phrase meaning to go ahead and complete a task

Let it Snow…

I woke up this morning with a couple of inches of snow on the ground. It’s pretty for a little while. My grandson and his cousin came over bright and early to see if his grandpa could fix the lawn tractor with the plow on the front so he could make some money. A young entrepreneur. He shoveled snow a couple of weeks ago and told us he was making some “serious money” (they made $6.00 each). I guess they figure if they take the plow out they will make more money in less time. The boy does use his head sometimes.

I made a meatloaf for dinner last night it turned out pretty good. I added the recipe to the site so I could see how many points my servings are and it worked out to be 5 points per slice. I like to have the recipe builder that way I can utilize my own foods in the system. SWEET!  I can make a sandwich for work tomorrow. I have some of those round flat bread sandwiches that are 1 point apiece. I think I may start making my lunches the night before so I won’t have to hassle with it in the morning. 

I really need to start eating more fruits and vegetables. WW allows unlimited fruits and vegetable with their new plan. They have added a Simply Filling to their plan which is like the Core program but I think that it allows more choices. You can go from one plan Points Plus to Simply Filling in the same week. That has changed. I may have to play with both plans to see which is easier for me to follow and lose weight.  I am allowed 26 daily points and 17 weekly points I can use if I exceed my daily points on my tracker.

Next week my goal is to lose 2 pounds and to wake up earlier. Happy Sunday!

2 comments on “Let it Snow…

  1. Dani B
    December 6, 2011

    I’m so happy for you! I really enjoy reading your blogs. 🙂 keep up the good work! Love you aunty julie!

    • jgarfieldcat2
      December 6, 2011

      Thanks so much for your input. It really does help me to stay on track and have some kind of accountability. I love you too Dani

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This entry was posted on December 4, 2011 by .